The Warrior Read online

Page 3

  To take his mind off of things, Valentin pressed a buzzer under his desk and the library wall opened to reveal a hidden door. He gave a half smile as he watched his newest acquirement sashay towards him, petite and curvy, with flowing chestnut brown locks and large honest eyes that were almost the same colour as her hair. Her accent was distinctly Romanian, but she spoke his native tongue fluently. Her whole demeanour was one of wealth and privilege, bordering on royalty.

  Putting a file down in front of him, she fixed the lapels of his suit jacket as she pouted, “You haven’t bought me a gift today, Val...I feel neglected.” She was pouring herself over him as he tried to read what was inside the file. “I want you to invest in this, it excites me!” Valentin’s companion purred her demands as she pressed her body against his.

  “And why would my love want me to put perfectly good money into this fool’s errand?” Valentin’s voice was tender as he tried to push the file away from him. His companion was more insistent.

  Pouting, she reiterated, “Val, I want this…you said you would keep me happy. Don’t you want me to be happy?” Fluttering her long eyelashes, she walked her fingers down Valentin’s torso, stopping just above the zipper of his pants. “It looks interesting, and I have always so loved Scotland…”

  She was absolutely spellbinding, and Valentin did indeed want her happy. Whatever she wanted, it seemed, she got. Today would be no different.


  Martinez looked at the box that Roberto had placed on his desk moments earlier. He had hesitated as though waiting for Martinez to invite him to stay, but no invite was offered and with one glare from his boss, Roberto left as quickly as he could.

  Martinez sat in his plush leather chair, tapping his fingers off of the edge of the desk as he stared at the unopened parcel. The address had been handwritten in ink, there was no postage on it, and it had a strange wax seal with an emblem on it. His vision was still somewhat impaired from the blast at the Belcastro mansion in Mexico, so he couldn’t quite make it out – some sort of serpents squeezing a heart or it could very well have been someone’s initials.

  His fingers rested on the desk, edging towards the parcel. Was it a letter bomb? Was there a dismembered piece of a body in there? As Martinez held his breath he carefully unwrapped the box. Inside was a letter and a smaller box. The letter read:

  Senor Martinez,

  Forgive my secretiveness, but in this climate of distrust I have found it necessary to err on the side of caution, you will understand.

  I have been watching you and your associates closely, and have been impressed. You wish to encroach on the territory that the now deceased Snr Belcastro left behind. It makes sense, as you practically ran the Organisation for Snr Belcastro single-handedly.

  Your ambition is to be applauded, but you have two obstacles to your task. First, your family is not from Sicily and therefore the other Familias will not recognise you as a Don in your own right. Secondly, you have limited financial resources.

  I have decided to become your Sole Benefactor, Snr Martinez, and you will find that I can be a very generous man. All you need to do is follow my advice, and you will have all that your heart desires.

  As a show of good faith, I have put $500,000 into your personal bank account, and you will find enclosed with this letter a sample of a new drug for you to introduce to your clients and get you a few sit-downs with your choice of Dons. It is called ‘Euphoria’ and I can have a shipment sent to you within the next few days. Try it for yourself – you will agree that it is far superior to anything else on the market. Diversification is the key to survival in this business.

  You will, of course, not divulge anything of my existence to a third party. I prefer to keep my business concerns private.

  Welcome to my Protection


  Martinez read the letter from his new Benefactor exactly three times, exhaling slowly. Friend...or foe? As though he was snapped out of a trance, he quickly checked his bank account. An offshore holding company called ‘The Institute of Research and Biological Manipulation’ had credited him with the amount indicated in the letter. Martinez Googled the name, but could find nothing.

  His attention turned to the smaller box containing a bottle and syringe. ‘Euphoria’. Some sort of designer drug? Martinez decided he might as well try it out for himself. Why on earth would an enemy go to such elaborate lengths to harm him, when he could quite easily be assassinated in his sleep? He remembered Snr Belcastro’s words, ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’.

  Flicking the syringe with this finger, a spurt of liquid arced from the needle, showing no air bubbles. Using his tie as a tourniquet he found a vein and pushed the needle in, wincing slightly at the scratch. His thumb depressed the plunger and instantly a flood of ice and fire swam through his veins. Just under his skin it felt as though millions of tiny fire ants were scurrying throughout his entire body. The uncomfortable sensation lasted only seconds, and then his body went limp. His head was falling backwards but he felt as though he was starting to float up towards the ceiling. He was cocooned in a haze of pure ecstasy and hypersensitivity. Martinez’ eyes glazed over and his jaw went slack as he surrendered himself to the drug.

  It had been well named – and his clientele would cut each other’s throats to get a taste of it.

  All Hail the Benefactor!


  Shuggie stood in front of the doors to the medical bay barring Teodora from entering.

  “Ye cannae go in there Doc – it’s no safe fur any of us.” His voice was grim and his face set in stone. He was still trying to process what he had just witnessed, and was glad for once that the youngling had taken off on her own. To see with her own eyes what he had seen may very well have broken her mentally. As it was, he wasn’t sure if he was losing his marbles. “What dae ye huv in yer hands, Doc?” nodding to indicate the file that she was holding tightly.

  Teodora tried to peek around Shuggie but his sheer size was blocking her from doing so. “I ran off to do some tests, but from the way you are all acting I believe my findings have already happened yes? The wolf is in the bay, I presume Lieutenant?” Teodora always addressed Shuggie professionally when her staff or the Commander's unit were present.

  “No jist any wolf, Doc…” His granite features fixed on Teodora, and the ink on his body was glowing like oil on water. “...he’s a fucking monster.” Shuggie stood to one side, but his arm was still outstretched preventing Teodora being able to move any further.

  “Super Hybrid is the term you are looking for Lieutenant, his ‘lazy wolf syndrome’ mixed with Alicia’s blood has created something not even I have ever seen. Where is Alicia now?” The scientist part of Teodora’s brain was starting to pique and she wanted inside that bay to assess this ‘super wolf’. This was ground-breaking research for her and she wasn’t wanting to miss the opportunity of a lifetime.

  From inside the bay, Shuggie heard the loudest wolf-howl he had experienced in his thousands of years, and it made the whole area shake like a mini-earthquake. “Jesus fucking Christ!” Turning his head in slow motion, he made eye contact with the ‘Beast’ for the first time, but he was still talking to Teodora. “Super hybrid ye say? So with yer sayin’ is that the youngling’s blood has mutated the Commander’s DNA?” Both watched as the enormous wolf started towards them.

  The sounds of screams and people fleeing for their lives echoed around the compound as Teo and Shuggie stood conversing about the findings of the blood work. Xavier was heading towards them, but the Doctor was transfixed at what she was seeing. He was enormous! The howling and barking noises he was making triggered a thought in her head as she spoke to Shuggie. “He’s trying to communicate with us.”

  “Nae shit, Sherlock,” Shuggie muttered under his breath.

  “What the fuck are they looking at? I know I’m fuck handsome, but take a goddamn picture and be done with it, yeah?” Xavier was grumpy. Not that he wanted parades and statues in his
honour – but still, his best friend was standing having a heart to heart with the Doc as his employees stood around gawking. “And where the fuck is Sweetcheeks?” The least she could have done was be here to welcome him back to terra firma.


  What if she had been injured or killed and that was what Shuggie and the Doc were arguing about? “Get fucking in here lieutenant!” he barked the order.

  He didn’t realise that he had literally ‘barked’ the order.


  Alicia had spent two of her three hour visit to her parent’s graveside in tears, curled up in the foetal position lying on the grass for the most part. Once she had calmed herself down and had a heart to heart with her Madre, she was calm enough to return home to the compound and resume the vigil beside Xavier’s bed.

  Popping a cherry lolly in her mouth, she flashed herself back to the intensive care bay – and squealed louder than she ever had in her one hundred and fourteen years.

  “Oh my gods, aren’t you just fucking adorable?” Alicia stood grinning like a child on Christmas morning as the huge wolf stalked towards her.

  “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes, Sweetcheeks,” Xavier said. She seemed taller than he remembered, but regardless she was a perfect vision. Her lush dark locks were tumbling carefree over her shoulders and her big browns were wide and staring back at him – and her smile. Fuck, that smile did something to a male. Without thinking, he nudged her body with his head and then licked her face.

  Startled, Xavier took a step back. He had just licked her?! What the fuck drugs had they put in his system? That wasn’t the weirdest thing, though. The weirdest thing was that the female seemed to enjoy it!

  Alicia let out another squeal as the wolf licked her cheek, seeing a look of confusion on the giant wolfs face, she slowly raised her hand and with a gentle motion she summoned the animal to her. “Hey…I’m not going to hurt you, c’mere boy. Where did you come from? Not that it matters to me as you are now mine! I’m Ali.” Her voice was soothing and gentle as she looked adoringly at her new furry friend.

  “Ok, who are you and what the fuck have you done with Sweetcheeks?” His rough growl seemed to echo in the room. He knew his throat was hoarse, but had put that down to being shot in the forehead and spending fuck-knows how long in la-la-land with the angels. This change in Alicia, however, was making him uneasy. Uneasy, right up until the point he heard her say ‘Mine’, then it was game over for his brain. “Yeah, mine – hell to the fuck yeah – mine.” Instead of wrapping his arms around her and picking her up and planting one right on those full, beautiful lips of hers, he lay down and put his head between his…Paws?! What the fuck?! Shitfuckbuggerydamn – he was a bloody wolf! He had shifted into his werewolf form and...Alicia thought he was a pet. This was not good.

  Alicia had moved to where Xavier had lain down, so she sat with her legs crossed on the floor beside him. Her hand reached to tickle behind his ears as she held a lolly near his muzzle.

  “You are beautiful! The colour of your fur is just stunning! Why is there a lone wolf in the compound – did you get lost and lose your pack?” As Alicia was happily talking away to what she presumed to be her new pet, her eyes scanned the medical bay. Carnage was evident, items were smashed and crushed – and then her piercing screams filled the air as she saw the empty gurney. “Xavier….”


  Shuggie pulled Teo to the side as he stood open mouthed watching Alicia ‘wolf-whispering’ the Commander.

  “Ah need tae get her oot o’there – if he bites her, she’s dead meat!” Trying to get Alicia’s attention, and failing, he knew he had no option but to go in there with them. “Teodora, ye must promise meh that ye’ll no go in there – no matter wit happens.” Shuggie was prepared to face death, but would not have anything happen to her. He needed her agreement before he made any move to go into the bay.

  Teodora stood with her mouth agape.This evening was getting weirder by the moment. Her hand shifted to grab Shuggie’s forearm. “Stay where you are Lieutenant – anyone going into the room will be in danger! Alicia, however, is the safest she has ever been in her life.”

  “Bollocks.” His reply was harsh. “She’s in danger! I’m no huvin’ either o’ you putting yer lives oan the line.” With that, Shuggie pushed open the doors and held his hands up, open palmed.

  “Youngling, I need ye tae come wi’ me.” Keeping his eyes on the Commander, Shuggie reached down and pulled Alicia up from the floor. “Ah kin take ye tae Xavier, bit ye must leave the noo.”

  Rising to his full height, Xavier snarled as he watched Shuggie taking Alicia away from him. Xavier started to charge them with the full force of his huge wolf form, but the electronic doors to the bay had locked automatically behind Shuggie and Alicia. The doors started to buckle as he retreated then ran back into them. He would not be separated from her.

  Running down the corridor, Alicia under one arm and Teodora under the other, Shuggie barricaded them into his office. Putting the two females down, he turned to face Alicia first. “Xavier is…” he glanced at Teodora, then back to her, “ But he’s no himsel’ at the moment, and disnae want tae see ye jist yet.” The noise of Xavier trying to break down the doors to the bay could be heard even this far down the corridor. “Teodora and I, we... we will talk to him fur ye – bit ye need tae stay here for a wee while.” Alicia’s face was confused and angry, but Shuggie could tell his words were sinking in with her. If he could make her think that Xavier was pissed off with her, it would buy him some time to try to figure out what the hell was going on and try to get his Commander back into human form, with the Doc’s help.

  Alicia gave a slight nod of her head and slumped on the sofa to the far corner of the room, her boots hanging over the armrest.

  “Just make sure the wolf gets some milk. Frazzle likes milk before bedtime,” she said then pulled out her ear buds, cranked the sound as loud as it would go and closed her eyes. She was confused as to why Xavier would be pissed off at her, after all he was the one that ordered her to kill him! Now that he was back he should be thanking her! But, there was no point arguing with the Doctor and Shuggie. She’d just wait it out – for now.

  Teodora whispered to Shuggie, “We need to talk privately, Warrior.”


  Alicia peeked one eye open. Shuggie and the Doctor were engrossed in some sort of conversation that she couldn’t hear thanks to the music that was flooding her ears. Taking the opportunity whilst they were pre-occupied, she flashed herself back to outside the intensive care bay where the giant wolf was lying with his head on his paws. He looked sad and Alicia wasn’t about to stand for that!

  She opened the door slowly and the animal immediately lifted his head. Alicia gave him a welcoming smile as her finger ghosted over her lips. “You have to be quiet ok? I’ll get you out of here but we can’t get caught.” The wolf seemed to know what she was saying, and he rose slowly until he was standing on all fours.

  He was enormous! His head was the same level as hers and she was only four foot eleven!

  For the past hour Xavier had been trying, unsuccessfully, to change back into his human form. It was as though his DNA had been set at ‘wolf’ and jammed. For the foreseeable future, he was going to be trapped like this – but there was an upside. Alicia seemed to prefer him in wolf form. Well, that wasn't strictly true, he thought as he watched her appear in front of him again. Alicia didn’t seem to have any clue that the wolf she was petting and nuzzling was, in fact, him.

  Soaking up Alicia’s attentions and caresses, Xavier played along – hell, he’d be her ‘wolfie’ any day of the damn week if it meant getting this close to her. Nudging her hand with his snout, Xavier gave himself a shake, puffing out all of his greyish-brown fur, and bared his fangs in a sort of ‘wolfie-smile’ – this he could get used to….

  “Oh for the love of the Meerkats that is just epic! Stay still for me ok?” Alicia walked so she was standing beside the g
iant animal, pulled her cell from her pocket and held the device in front of them. “This is a camera, it will flash so don’t be alarmed okay? After my count of three we are both going to say ‘cheese’.” Alicia moved up on her tiptoes and leaned her head in against the wolf’s. “One… Two... Three… cheese!”

  If wolves could look puzzled and smug at the same time...that would have been Xavier’s expression. Instead, he looked at the camera as instructed and gave an ear-drum shattering howl when Alicia said ‘Cheese’. As she leaned up to him and put her head to his, he got a bird’s eye view of her voluptuous cleavage…which earned her another howl. Just as Xavier was contemplating giving that particular part of her anatomy a lick, Alicia moved away from him, and he snuffed in petulance. The idea of having photos taken with Alicia was definitely on his bucket-list…just maybe not as him in wolf form and her being fully clothed.

  As Alicia moved away, she stood for a moment looking and thinking. “Can you get down on your paws for me? I want to try something out.” Her eyes were glinting in excitement as she waited to see if the wolf would do as she asked of it. “Are you a girl or a boy?”

  He knew that look in Alicia’s eyes all too well. Those big almond browns glinting with mischief and rebellion. Fuck, it was a look that suited her well. Ignoring her question, Xavier dipped his head and used his fangs to grab the back of her collar, swinging her high so that she landed on his back. Looking back over his shoulder he watched as she laughed and threw her hair back. So, he already had admitted to himself that he wanted to ride her – but her riding him? That was good too…he just hoped that he wouldn’t be left in this form permanently. For now, though, he’d let the little pixie have her fun.